Acknowledging Our Interconnectivity
Like most of the world right now, we are experiencing something most of us have never experienced in our lives: protecting ourselves and vulnerable members of our communities from an extremely contagious virus. We are certainly living in historic times. Between empty grocery store shelves and closings of schools, many of us are experiencing a heightened state of fear. However, there is a difference between using common sense and living in fear.
As a survivor of severe Lyme disease and co-infections, I have begun to understand the shamanic viewpoint of illness. Although no infection appears to me as the same "puzzle," I have been shown by my helping spirits that many factors can play into illness, particularly epidemics, and how strongly we are interconnected with other non-human sentient beings. In journey, I have been shown over and over that the cause of Lyme and co-infections is rooted from a gross environmental imbalance. What is humbling for me, is to understand that underneath it all, Nature is always trying to balance Herself.
I also understand the fear that some encounter around spending time in nature, as it increases the exposure to ticks, therefore increasing the likelihood of a tick bite and possible infection. However, it's no secret that people regain health faster and easier by being outside in the fresh air and the warm sunlight. Bringing our rhythm more in alignment with Nature's is most beneficial as it reduces stressors of our modern "hustle and bustle" lives. So, it is always a good idea to not feed fear while still taking rational precautions of using proper outdoor protection against ticks. We cannot become collectively well again unless we regain our natural rhythm that Nature alone provides. The strongest message I have gleaned from journeying around this disease is that the root cause of illness in general is our disconnection from ourselves, each other and the Earth.
There is much collective fear, understandably, during this pandemic. This virus is not coming from tiny arachnids, but originally from large seafood and live animal markets in China, suggesting animal-to-person spread, in what the World Health Organization calls "a spillover event." Now, we know that this specific virus, COVID-19, spreads person-to-person.
It begs us humans to understand what the natural world is trying to balance with these diseases that continue to play a role in our lives. It would behoove humans to truly look at the practices we have kept in feeding the masses, which causes incredible suffering and a slave-like life for our animal cohabitants in this world. It also begs us to stop adding to the global pollution as humans continue to do, under the threat of impending climate change.
The difference is remarkable in this map of China after factories shut down after the virus began spreading. The canals of Venice, Italy, empty due to national lock-down, appear cleaner than they have in decades.
If we look closer, we might intuit that Nature is trying to tell us something pretty darn important. Are you willing to listen?
In journeying to the energy of Covid, it appeared to me in the form of a very ancient nature spirit. This spirit was telling me that it is time for All to hear and listen about the absolute imbalance and destruction humans have caused amongst the animal kingdom, of all sizes and from all geographical climes. She continued: "The disrespect needs to end. It is time to start seeing all beings as equal and sentient." I watched as I saw that this is a virus with deep wisdom and intelligence, that this spirit is not “bad” or “good” but is necessary to ensure balance again.
In my personal shamanic work with Lyme disease and co-infections, I can say that this feminine energy is much like the spirit of Lyme disease which can be carried by the insect beings. These insect beings are ancient and much needed to keep and restore balance. Humans generally perceive insects and arachnids as “yucky”, “pesky” or irrelevant, but if we don’t begin perceive them as part of the intricate Web in which we are all interconnected, the entire ecosystem will remain and continue to be harshly imbalanced.
It was clear in my journeying that humans are being tasked with the responsibility of listening and acting accordingly. It is no longer time to deny that the spirits of nature are doing what they need to do in order to ensure the Earth is sustained. It is time to contribute unselfishly to keep the circle of life and all beings involved in this deeply interwoven Web in balance.
I did some heartfelt transfiguration (a powerful shamanic technique) and saw my own personal fear intermingle with the collective fear join together and transmute into a deeper understanding of this as well as an unconditional love for this Earth and all creatures who deserve to live in peace.
If we are inextricably connected to the Universal Web, and if each being can feel the vibrations we put out, why add more to the fear, panic and unnecessary hoarding that already has manifested? Why not reverse this fear by being helpful to the community at large, by being respectful of science and others in the community by upholding social distancing, calling family to check in on them, using FaceTime to connect to friends and to offer neighbors our support of perhaps delivering food and medicine to doorsteps if they do indeed fall ill.
It's time to realize where our locus of control is, and acknowledge where it is not. What can you do? Focus on self-care, boundaries, meditation or the practice of shamanic journeying to allay anxiety and to support self and others during this time. Surrender to what you cannot control and amp up what you can. Rest, stay home and perhaps collaborate on creative activities in your home and with immediate family that bring you and others joy.
If you have participated in any of my Intro to Shamanism workshops and know how to perform a shamanic journey, I encourage you to MERGE with your helping spirit in either the Upper World or Lower World and ask to be taken into the Middle World to the spirit of this virus with the intention of asking what effects she is trying to create for the good of All.
Perhaps with this COVID-19 Teacher, you may discover that she trying to tell us to slow down, stop the hustle and bustle, BE love and LOVE each other, human and non-human alike.