The Vibration of Gratitude
This time of year marks a time in our lives when we celebrate the Abundance of the Harvest. The traditional symbol of the cornucopia, or "horn of plenty" is associated with a plentiful bounty. Ancient Greek gods or goddesses, like Demeter and Abundantia have been portrayed holding cornucopias. These stories have been associated with harvest, prosperity and abundance.
In this part of the world, we just passed the halfway mark between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice at the end of October. Halloween was originally a day to honor our Ancestors who have passed on into the world of Spirit. As we enter into the dark of winter in this part of the world, when the daylight hours become shorter and the dark hours grow longer, it is important to hold the energy of Gratitude.
If we reflect on our Ancestors, and the particular struggles, challenges and joys they experienced as they lived out their lives, we can benefit greatly by holding Gratitude for the ways in which they created passage for us to be brought into the world, even if they were not conscious of this during their lives.
I personally hold deep reverence for my grandparents and great-grandparents on both sides of my family, as they traveled from various countries across the Atlantic to escape fascism and oppression. What were there challenges? What were there fears as they crossed a mighty sea, without knowing the concrete plans that the unforeseen future would bring? I find a deep gratitude within me knowing that they sacrificed so much in order to create a better life for themselves and for future generations, which includes myself.
In many spiritual communities, the practice of "manifestation" is truly a magical one. In my experience, nothing can be brought forth in Abundance into this physical realm without Gratitude. Manifesting comes from a practice of deep focus of intention while at the same time holding the vibration of Gratitude, holding both Masculine and Feminine energies.
The season of Autumn is the Sacred Feminine cycle of “going in,” and we essentially copy the act of Nature’s hibernation. In holding Gratitude for what we have received from the recent Harvest from the end of summer, we also hold sacred space for the offerings that are coming. As we hold Gratitude in the Womb of Nature, in the deep dark of Winter, we nourish the inner garden that will manifest in the Spring. This practice is also held with the vibration of trust and faith that it will indeed arrive.
If you know how to perform a shamanic journey, I encourage you to connect with your Helping Spirits and ask, "Please show me a ceremony that I can perform in order to show my Gratitude to my Helping Spirits, to my Ancestors and to the Spirit of this Earth.” Write what you are shown and then, perform the ceremony. You may be pleasantly surprised with the acknowledgment the Spirit World shows you!